Ivolga (Oriole) is a hostel on the bank of the Volga River in Ulyanovsk region. And there is a bird with such a name too.
Don’t consider this an ad of this place, but today I’ll tell you how you can relax with a group of your friends on the Volga bank, enjoying nature.
The left bank of the Volga river is sandy. That’s why, there are more beaches and tourist centers here than on the right bank. Steep waterside is covered with pine forest.
Ivolga is a small but cozy hostel. It’s nice to rent a house with all facilities there for the company of 8-10 people.
Each house has a barbecue nearby for cooking shashlik and pilaf.
And you can swim or just walk along the bank of Volga.
Of course, no holidays can do without alcohol and delicious food. If only that does not spoil cultural relax and nature enjoyment. Do not overdose alcohol.
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